office@ highlanderAcademyPrep.org
Tel: 910-843-4995
Accepting NC
Opportunity Scholarships
Schedule of Fees
Yearly Application Registration Resource Facility Annual
Tuition Fee Fee Fee Fee Total
Per Child $ 6,600.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 7,400.00
All Grades
Tuition and Fees may be paid in full or in ten (10) monthly payments beginning in August.
The non-refundable Registration Fee must be submitted with the Enrollment Application. Tuition
is due on the first day of each month and late payment penalties are as follows:
A $20 late penalty will be applied after the 5th calendar day of the month. Once an account
is 10 calendar days past due, the student(s) may no longer attend classes until the account
is brought up to date. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
Students are considered enrolled for the entire school year; budgets and teacher contracts
are set by the number of students originally enrolled. The parent or guardian who signs
the Enrollment Contract agrees to pay the annual tuition and all other required fees for the
entire year. Refunds or cancellation of this contract in case of withdrawal of the student will not
be made except for the following exceptions: death of the student; death of one or both of the
parents, which creates a financial hardship to the point the financial obligation cannot be
met; job related transfer or military reassignment of the parent(s) out of the geographical area. Requests for refunds or cancellation of this contract due to withdrawal because of a change
in the family or student’s status that brings about extreme hardship may be appealed to the
Board of Trustees for consideration.